Anyone who knows me knows I am not a natural sales person, which probably sounds at odds with what I do for a living, after all, I have spent many years now selling my brain.

I put my aversion to “sales” down to being a child of the eighties and nineties, the days of door to door salesmen and leading into an adulthood of telemarketers, with aggressive pitches and relentless persuasion.

However these traditional sales techniques have given way to a more holistic approach to sales, where selling with integrity, prioritising value and running a business which genuinely fosters connections within the community are held to high standard.

Why is selling with Integrity important

We live in a world where being your authentic self is celebrated, a world demands transparency, and honesty and your clients are the same. A true connection with a client not only has the potential to convert that single file, but a loyal advocate for your business for years to come.

So how do we shift from being seen as “selling our brains” to “serving our community” – the first step is in understanding the unique challenges of your clients. Paul Psaltis and the team from Settify have been doing just that, analysing when your family law clients take that first step, and considering what it is that is attracting clients to a firm in the first instance. The team at Settify have examined when clients make that first approach, and considered how their headspace at that time has lead them to that particular law firm.

Step two is how it is that we are retaining those clients we attract. More and more people are looking for the value-add, whether it be through educational content that can help clients better understand the complex legal system they are engaged in, or giving back to the local community, clients want to know they are supporting a business that, in turn supports them.

Jack O’Donnell and the team at JustFund have recently undertaken their initial research on the retention of clients, asking their clients what attracted them to a solicitor or firm, if they changed solicitor mid-matter, why, and what value add could their solicitor provide for future clients. If you ever wanted to know what your client’s say about you, JustFund have asked the question and have the answer.

Want to learn more

Both Paul from Settify and Jack from JustFund will be delivering presentations on their findings at the Pioneering Legal Futures Conference, join them and our other thought-provoking speakers to consider how you can leverage off their research to engage with your client base.

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